top of page
yellow vector shape with orange and dark blue outlines
360 round nurkl connector
E nurkl connector
135 degree nurkl connector
90 degree nurkl connector
Straight nurkl coupling
Nurkl logo
yellow vector shape with orange and blue outline
straight nurkl couling
135 degree nurkl connector
90 degree nurkl connector
e nurkl connector
360 round nurkl connector
STEM page first section background
blue vector rectangle
blue vector shape with dark blue outline

Motor Skills - Problem Solving - Basic And Complex Shapes Math - Angles - Physics - How To Work Together - Structural Design - Color Coordination - Critical Thinking Skills - Engineering - Motion - Friction - Gravity - Torque - Power - Hand-eye Coordination - Strengths and Weaknesses

Areas Of Learning
craft sticks connecting to LEGO with Nurkl
craft sticks connecting to LEGO with Nurkl

Nurkl connectors can be used with other building toy systems and can be modified to work with different stick lengths, allowing for limitless creativity and expansion.

blue vector shape with dark blue outline

Nurkl is the revolutionary craft stick connector set that empowers young innovators to unleash their creativity and learn through hands-on play. With Nurkl, there's no need for scissors or glue – our kid-safe connectors click compatibly with craft sticks and popular building-blocks, providing endless possibilities for imaginative construction. Unlike other construction toys, Nurkl is safe for little hands and feet and comes at a classroom-friendly price, making it the ideal tool for STEM-based play for impressionable ages. 

dark blue line
STEM logo
white text with outline
60 degree nurkl connector
135 degree nurkl connector
90 degree nurkl connector
straight nurkl connector
360 round nurkl connector
STEM page second section background
blue vector rectangle
blue rectangle with dark blue drop shadow
bridge built out craft sticks and nurkl connectors
Engineering, Strength, Math...

From simple to complex, let your design become a self motivation in shaping the world of the future. Learn the basic and advanced aspects of engineering while spanning across the open air with Nurkl craft stick connectors.

Designing bridges has always been a tool to learning

engineering, but now you can take it farther and create with the right tools. And Don’t stop

there, engineering is a process to expand into

bigger things. Start by connecting craft

sticks together with friction fitted


blue ellipse with dark drop shadow
blue vector shape
great ball contraption made out of craft sticks and nurkl connectors
Gravity, Speed, Friction...

Strategically connect craft sticks to create

channels providing a path for balls to roll

along. As you experiment with angles and

speeds, you will find creative ways to keep the ball on it’s path to succesfully reach the end goal.

Create an experiment by collecting data with different results while constructing a solid path. Talk about the failed results and the successful results. The outcomes of the experiment can result in faster learning and understanding of basic physics.

e nurkl connector
STEM page third section background
blue vector shape with dark blue outline
blue ellipse with dark drop shadow
blue rectangle with dark blue drop shadow
Torque, Distance, Power...

Building a catapult has never been so intriguing! Learn about many aspects of using tension with

craft sticks to launch projectiles up to 30ft.

Work on skills such as hand-eye

coordination and develop a

sense for basic mechanics.

catapult made out of craft sticks and nurkl connectors
yellow vector shape
youtube logo
craft stick with nurkl connectors on it

We provide multiple examples to stimulate the mind through STEM Education. Our goal is to actively produce more avenues in teaching and engagement. 

Our youtube channel is a great source to start seeing the potential. As we grow, so will the ideas, designs, and inspiration. Go ahead and start watching some of our videos.

white text with outline
360 round nurkl connector
90 degree nurkl connector
60 degree nurkl connector
straight nurkl coupling
STEM page forth section background
blue vector swirling shape
blue vector swirling shape with dark blue drop shadow
yellow image box with 2 boys playing with nurkl and craft sticks
yellow image box with a boy playing with nurkl and craft sticks
nurkl logo with explosion behind it

We want kids all around the world to grow and discover their purpose, to design and inspire. Our product is great for the classroom, office and even at home. 

Our kits come equipt with step by step instructions and inspiration to do even more. As we grow, one of our goals is to release a STEM curriculum that can be used for teaching on a deeper level.

instruction booklet for nurkl with craft sticks
instruction booklet for nurkl with craft sticks
instruction booklet for nurkl with craft sticks

We created a page right here on our website

where you can find instructions on how to build many things with craft sticks.

90 degree nurkl connector
135 degree nurkl connector
360 round nurkl connector
60 degree nurkl connector
STEM page fifth section background
blue vector shape with dark blue outline
yellow vector shape outlined with a dotted line
animated explosion
animated explosion with smoke
orange ideas button with dark blue drop shadow
blue vector shape
nurkl logo
blue vector shape
blue vector rectangle with dark blue outline
craft stick with nurkl connectors
yellow arrow pointing right with drop shadow
explore ideas text with outline
More Than Meets The Eye

Our potential goes beyond what you see on our website. Our goal is to expand with many new angles and pieces that exceed the initial vision. With your help we will create and release an abundance of new ways to create and learn.

We know that STEAM is a powerful tool for modern day learning and we are excited to be a part of the community and the future of the world through connecting and building with craft sticks.

Adventure Kit

- High Quality Carrying Bag

- Imagination Guide (Step by Step PDF)

- 165 Custom Engraved Craft Sticks

- 360 Color Coded Nurkl Connectors

e nurkl connector
135 degree nurkl connector
90 degree nurkl connector
135 degree nurkl connector
straight nurkl coupling
animated explosion with smoke
E nurkl connector
60 degree nurkl connector
straight nurkl connector
360 round nurkl connector
yellow arrow with dark blue drop shadow
orange grab your kit button with dark blue drop shadow
bottom of page